Character art: The Day of the Dice

So excited to share some character art this week in the run-up to my cover reveal for The Day of the Dice!

In my dystopian retelling of Pride and Prejudice, Elise is desperate to escape the Casting, where girls are paired off with boys by a roll of the dice. She lives in a community of only one hundred people, and believes they are the only ones left… But she’s fascinated by the ocean. What lies beyond the horizon? Surely they can’t be alone?
The problem is, there’s only one boat.

Here’s my handsome hero William Derby! (Guess which fictional hero he’s based on?)
He’s a man of high status and responsibility… which means he often comes across as proud and aloof.
He’s used to getting what he wants.
When he sets his sights on Elise, nothing’s going to stop him.
He knows she wants to leave, but he’s going to do his best to persuade her to stay.

Stay tuned for the big cover reveal on Thursday!

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